Q. What is JavLadies.com ?

JavLadies.com is a site for JAV Movies where you can watch best quality JAV Movie preferred. JavLadies.com do not host or upload any JAV Movies.

Q. What are the requirements to play jav movies on JavLadies.com ?

If you are on a PC/Mac/Linux, you will need the latest version of Chrome or FireFox. Other browsers like Internet Explorer and Safari are also fully tested & works well.

Q. The movies do not play on my iPhone / iPad, Android, Windows Phone, Black Berry ?

The server on which the loading movies is chosen specifically for our site to allow playback of movies on any mobile device without any additional software. So don’t worry, the movies are alright & will work both on your phone & PC.

Q. What devices do your movie player support ?

Our player supports all devices which are HTML5 ready with or without Adobe Flash Player installed. This includes devices like iPhone, iPad, PS3, SmartTV, Android, PC, MAC, Linux and others.

Q. The full screen button does not work. No changes to the screen after clicking the full screen button. 

If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer, download and install Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox .

Q. I can not find a certain film. What do I do ?

If you can not find a certain film, probably not exist on site. All you have to do is contact us and we’ll add the movie.

Q. Why slow loading movies ?

Slow loading movies because of your internet speed. Therefore we advise you to leave the movie to load one minutes after which you can watch.

Make sure that you have Flash Player ( plugin browser ) installed.

Best regard.